Success Is

April 30, 2018
Wayne Knapman

“I have FOUGHT a good fight, I have FINISHED my course, I have kept the FAITH” 2 Timothy 4:7

Some people achieve their goals and dreams. Others suffer the defeat of their failed expectations. It’s not a secret that success in life takes more than just having an idea & some talent! It takes lots of things, which combined, become what we call success. Success always requires hard work, dedication, discipline and flexibility. These are traits that successful people understand.

In today’s verse the Apostle Paul explains some reasons for success in his life. He gives us 3 vital keys to receiving God’s reward…

3. He kept the FAITH

Paul was able to complete his destiny and receive the prize at the end. Now, God is no respecter of persons. Whenever we take Paul’s principles and use them we’ll obtain similar success. This means we must always FIGHT to keep moving forward in God. We must FINISH what we’ve started rather than give up. We must exercise FAITH in everything we do, all of the time.

This week let’s check up on what we’re doing in life. Let’s look at our Christian walk and ensure we’re pursuing success like Paul would:

1. Are we FIGHTING or yielding to our circumstance?
We must always fight and press so that we keep moving forward.

2. Are we FINISHING what we have started?
It’s madness to compare our life to others and what they are doing.
Let’s finish what we’ve started rather than giving up on it

3. Are we exercising our FAITH in everything we do?
We can’t ride on the beliefs & faith others.
We must pursue our journey exactly how the bible shows us.

It is time to action success in our lives! So, stay strong in Jesus Christ.

Love Always,

Glenn & Esther Nurse