What’s Christian TV?
Instal-Life is the ONLY platform in the region that exclusively deals with Christian TV. Foxtel (AUS) & Sky (NZ) have some Christian TV channels but it is not their core business. Instal-Life’s core business is to bring you the best Christian TV channels available. this means you will have much more depth and variety of channels.
Another benefit of connecting to Instal-Life is that 100% of the profits go to missions as opposed to shareholders and large corporations. It is really satisfying to know that as you watch television you are spreading the Gospel to the unreached.
Prisoners, Rehabilitation Centres, Remote Indigenous Communities & unreached people groups hear the Gospel because people like YOU have chosen to connect to Christian TV with Instal-Life.
Instal-Life have developed the ONLY dedicated Christian HD Satellite Set Top Box for the Australian & New Zealand market.
The new box has:
- the ability to record your favourite programs
- 50+ Custom Christian IPTV Channels
- Ethernet &/or Wi-Fi internet connectivity
- the ability to auto update both Satellite & IPTV Channels automatically using Wi-Fi
- customer channels lists of most popular to least popular
Instal-Life AUS/NZ work in conjunction with GloryStar USA to bring the Body of Christ the latest and greatest television technology.
Over the years, Instal-Life have developed long lasting relationships with all the major ministries that have established offices in the region. These ministries endorse Instal-Life AND they all would like to give YOU a FREE GIFT. The gifts are a BONUS because you have decided to choose Instal-Life Christian TV & it is a great way for the ministries to introduce themselves to you.
there is currently over 30 ministries endorsing Instal-Life which means over $1000 worth of DVD’s, CD’s, Books & all sorts of wonderful gifts for you. The postage charges are even covered for you too!